Legally required information and general sales conditions

Legal setup, head office and registration
Vet Emergency- Chaussée Saint Job 450, 1180 Uccle -Tél : 02/644.24.24.
The Vet Emergency company is a limited company (an SPRL) whose managers is Dr. Elina Jolivet (OMV No. 5256) with VAT number: BE 0645 629 327.

Publicity and communications manager
Dr. Elina Jolivet is responsible for all electronic publications on the Internet, including on the company’s website Vet Emergency.
And she is also responsible for all communication on behalf of the Vet Emergency company.

Housing the website
The website is housed by WP Engine.Inc

Design – Creation
The site was set up by Foxynest SPRL

General sales conditions
Invoices are payable in cash, except where explicitly stated in writing.

Any home visit requested and not cancelled within 15 minutes of your call shall be subject to an automatic travel fee of 50% of the price of the consultation stated in the phone call because a vet was put at your disposal after your phone call.

Any requested home visit that was not cancelled and not implemented due to the animal for which the vet was called out not being at home will be invoiced in full.

Any sum not paid when due shall be subject to 15% interest per year dated from the due date.  Interest shall be fully payable without requiring prior mise en demeure notice to pay.

Independently of this standard late-payment interest charges, the amount of any invoice not paid on time will be automatically increased by a set fee of 15%, with a minimum of €50.  This increase shall not apply to medical fees.  A set fee of €10 shall be charged for each reminder to cover administrative costs.

Any complaints are to be made within 15 days of the treatment or service by registered letter.

Any dispute shall come under the responsibility of the courts in Brussels, notably the justice de paix of the third canton in Brussels.